Thursday, May 15, 2008

I'll Consider Your Votes

Ok, jeez, apparently my adorable Mark Ruffalo is NOT sexy enough for some people so here are some other options I'll consider for marriage, or I'd settle for just a sexy romp in the hay if that's what it came down to.

I don't know if you'll like this guy if you don't like Mark Ruffalo. What can I say? I'm drawn to the puppy dog eyes I guess.

Pure sex appeal with this guy. Seeing him and listening to that sexy accent makes my pulse race and my palms a little sweaty.

Ok, last (but not least)...How could you NOT want a guy with this much sexy confidence...Rawr!

So there you are. Brad Pitt's turning into a baby-collecting elder so he's out but I'm still open to other suggestions.

In other news, two weddings are coming up in which I'll be forced to wear a fancy dress. If that doesn't motivate me to finally lose this weight, I don't know what will. Here's hoping that I'll be lookin' good by the end of August/September...

1 comment:

Karin said...

First two men, sexy... last man... RAWR!!